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Caterpillars Count!

Caterpillars Count!

Arthropod ID

Become familiar with the common arthropod orders found on trees and shrubs before conducting surveys.

Before you head out to conduct a survey, review the Caterpillars Count! Arthropod ID guide and Dichotomous Key to learn some of the most common arthropod orders found on trees and shrubs.

Practice! Take the Arthropod Photo ID Quiz to test your knowledge until you can consistently get at least 9/10 correct. You can take the quiz (with different photos each time) as many times as you like.

Print a copy of the Arthropod ID guide to bring out in the field. And shore up your search image for these Most Commonly Misidentified Arthropods based on iNaturalist identifications of Caterpillars Count! submissions.

Done with the Arthropod Photo ID Quiz and ready to put your skills to the test? Play through a virtual survey!

Tree ID

The following resources may be helpful for site managers who need to identify tree species as they set up their survey sites.